Saturday 17 December 2011

Jamie 2i0MFB wins IRTS Award

LEARC Chairman Tommy Mi0RVH has asked me to circulate hearty congratulations from the Chairman, Committee and Members to Jamie 2i0MFB.
The Contest Corner page of December’s Echo Ireland, the IRTS magazine reports the results of the 2m Counties Contest, Autumn 2011, Section (b) Low Power Portable. Our Jamie 2i0MFB won the Award for top scoring station outside the Republic in this section.

Thursday 15 December 2011

LEARC Shares £500 Prize with SHARE

Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club's submission to RSGB for the Club of the Year Award strongly mentioned the SHARE Centre's vital part in the Club's successes.  The UK Runner-Up Award was presented at the Derby RSGB AGM in May 2010. June meeting agreed to share half the £500 prize money with SHARE.